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Ingebor Nilsdotter

She was born around 1690. Where she was born is not known.

In the Fall of 1714, on October 10, she was married to Bengt Andersson. At that time they both lived on the farm Bäck in Nedre Ulleruds parish, Värmlands county.

Ingebor lived on Bäck to the year 1743, when she, on February 5, died at an age of 53. At that time she had been a widdow for 10 years.

  • Ingebor, * 7 March 1716, Nedre Ullerud.
  • Anders, * 13 December 1718, Nedre Ullerud.
  • Nils, * 13 November 1720, Nedre Ullerud.
  • Elin, * 27 November 1723. Nedre Ullerud.

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